PreK classes at Paddington continue to follow a play-based philosophy. Children explore and learn through play during choice time. Students always have time to play in the dramatic play area, the block areas, and often incorporate math, literacy, art, science and sensory activities into their experience. PreK classes at Paddington include emerging literacy into the day through song, rhyme, and alphabet exploration. Classes also incorporate a more structured shared experience time, during which students work together in small or whole-group settings. Shared experience is typically a more guided work time for students. This PreK year is filled with fun and play.
Children are recognizing letters and are beginning to write their names. They use emerging language skills to draw letters in salt, sand and shaving cream, learning letters within a meaningful context. Four-year-olds are exposed to a variety of quality children’s literature on a daily basis through rich author studies and integrated units. Pre-K math includes learning number sense, counting, basic geometry and patterns.