At Paddington, all children begin the day with choice time. Each classroom has creative, ever-changing choice tables, plus all areas of the classroom are set up to explore texture, shapes, varying art mediums, building materials, and much more! This free play allows children to choose any activity that is offered.
Paddington teachers act as facilitators in the classroom, supporting children’s play. They allow for free explorations as well as prompting questions such as "I see you have built a road here, how could this road turn toward a tunnel? Or, I see you are painting with your fingers, what are you creating? How does the paint feel?"
Children learn through play and all subjects (Play, Social Emotional, Physical – Fine Motor & Gross Motor, Language, Cognitive, Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, Creative and English Language Acquisition) are woven into the day through integrated curriculums. Here are additional professional articles on a play-based philosophy. We are a child-centered school, which is demonstrated in and outside the classroom. Developmentally appropriate practices and consideration of each child's age and stage are part of planning any activity. At Paddington, the process is valued over the product. We encourage children to dive in and get messy, take risks and try things that make them reach just outside their comfort zone. We foster a joyful learning environment within a nurturing community of teachers and families and know that through play children get to the next level of learning to further their understanding of the world.