BA from The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Associate’s degree from Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH
Year you started in the field: 1994
Year you started at Paddington: 2002
What is Paddington to you?
My father always said: “Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.” I feel that way every day.
The joy that my students bring to me on a daily basis is indescribable. My connection with this community is one I have
grown to love and which has become a part of me.
When teachers create a fun learning environment, students don’t even realize they are learning. Working in a play-based
philosophy school like Paddington, I feel we are setting our students up for success for the rest of their educational careers.
That, to me, is the most important contribution I can make as a teacher.
I feel grateful every day to have these amazing young people in my life because I love what I do!
When I’m not at Paddington….
I enjoy touring the state of Colorado with my husband on our Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
BA from The Metropolitan State College of Denver
Associate’s degree from Colby-Sawyer College in New London, NH
Year you started in the field: 1994
Year you started at Paddington: 2002
What is Paddington to you?
My father always said: “Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.” I feel that way every day.
The joy that my students bring to me on a daily basis is indescribable. My connection with this community is one I have
grown to love and which has become a part of me.
When teachers create a fun learning environment, students don’t even realize they are learning. Working in a play-based
philosophy school like Paddington, I feel we are setting our students up for success for the rest of their educational careers.
That, to me, is the most important contribution I can make as a teacher.
I feel grateful every day to have these amazing young people in my life because I love what I do!
When I’m not at Paddington….
I enjoy touring the state of Colorado with my husband on our Harley-Davidson motorcycle.