Typically, we ask each prospective family to attend a tour to receive our admission packet, which includes our application. Tours are comprised of a meet-and-greet that includes a current Paddington parent, campus highlights, classroom visits, an overview of our philosophy/curriculum and time for Q & A along with our Head of School.
Due to Covid-19, tours at Paddington Station will look different this year. We will be offering individual Zoom "tours". You will meet with our Admission Director, Therese Aleinikoff, to see the school through presentation and video. During this time you will be able to ask questions and have a one-on-one conversation with Therese. We will also have a current Paddington parent meet with parents in a virtual group setting, more information will be sent to you once you have toured. Beginning in January, all families who tour, will be invited to a virtual "Lunch with Deb", our Head of School.
Tours will be conducted through February 24, 2022 for the 2021-2022 school year, with applications due February 25, 2022. Financial assistance applications are also due February 25, 2022. (For current families, sibling applications are due December 17, 2021). Decisions regarding admission are not made by lottery or on a first-come, first-served basis. All families that tour and submit an application by the deadline will be placed in the same applicant pool. Enrollment agreements or wait pool notification letters will be emailed on March 9, 2022. On this date, you will receive your Enrollment Agreement or will be notified that you have been placed in the Wait Pool. Signed Agreements and the 20% tuition deposit are due on March 15, 2022.